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Andy Reyes

Full Stack Web Developer

Latest Works


Gamer & Bookworm

I enjoy reading books, my favorite genre is fantasy because I like going into the worlds that the authors create. Reading about the lore and getting lost in it. I'm also a video game fanatic. I like to play any kind of genre but most I lean more towards the RPG genre because of the complexity and the immersive story they provide.


I love love to travel! My mantra is "To live is to travel" Exploring the regions of this beautiful planet Earth we call home is awesome. Meeting new people and experiencing different cultures are intriguing to me. I already have multiple countries stamped in my passport, 14 to be exact and look foward to collecting many more!


I learned how to swim on my own when I was about 14 years old, and I've enjoyed it ever since. I have never been in school teams but every summer I go out to the beaches, pools or nearby waterparks of New York to swim to my heart's content. Recently I have joined a swimmer club to start learning different techniques of swimming and to get even better at it.



Email Developer - Audible / Rauxa

December 2019 - Aug 2020

Hand coded email campaigns from design teams from Audible into templates, as well as broke down the emails into smaller components so the team at Audible would be able to interchangably pick these small componenets and create many combinations of email campaigns. Used Amazon propeirty Java based CRM called Sonar to create these email campaigns. CSS, HTML, and JavaScript template library Handlebars.js was utilized for logic and dynamically pull data from Audible API to inject it into HTML.

Front End Developer - Extreme Reach

January 2018 - January 2019

Maintained the Extreme Reach platform for bugs and maintenance. Updated the platform routinely with HTML5, CSS3 and Vanilla JS and collaborated with the software team, including back-end developers and web designers.

Order Processor - Extreme Reach

May 2014 - January 2019

Utilized the Extreme Reach platform to see if orders were placed correctly. Recorded data into the system from inventory and transaction paperwork for order submission to editorial. Sent over daily logs to make sure all orders were done completely as a receipt to clients.



For my first blog I made a basic and easy to follow along tutorial of scraping. I came across the concept of scraping by watching my teammate in the project I worked with in mod one. It turns out it was in the learn.co but I completely moved past it since it had said bonus and was busy doing other things so I forgot about it. So scraping basically is getting certain information from a website and implementing that into your code. So that sounds easier that it looks because actually doing it is pretty somewhat complex for me since I’m still not quite comfortable with it yet, but with more practice and repetition comes perfection. Before beginning the process of scraping you will need two gems called...

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Parallax Scrolling

You’re probably asking yourself what the hell is parallax scrolling and that is what I said to myself when I first came across the term. Well we most likely have been using this without even realizing it because there are lots of websites that utilize it and also the classic 2D side scrolling games have used it throughout the game as well. I found about the parallax scrolling when I was trying to figure out to what topic to write about for my blog so I was researching around about css things because I’m more interested in the visual part of web development. Don’t get me wrong I still like backend but sometimes...

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Tips on obtaining Jr Developer Jobs

As you may know, the point of any bootcamp is of course to get some type of employment after doing these rigorous courses in such a short amount of time. So I wanted to do some research and see if people who graduate from bootcamps are more likely to get a job than people who graduate with four year degrees from colleges. I chose this topic because I’m wondering and want to prepare myself to what I will face in the future when I finish Flatiron. Are they disappearing? What are the JOB outlooks for a front end developer and what are the outlooks for a backend developer. Do employees prefer bootcamp graduates...

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Useful Atom Packages

To start things off, I’ll start by explaining what are packages and why should we use them and things like that. I chose this topic because I wanted to be efficient when writing code and having helpful tools to help me out will make me a better developer and like how my title explains it. It does make my life easy a developer of course, time Management as well comes into play for this too, what else is there to talk about this? Well for one thing there are no negatives when getting the packages thats what they are for. It’s to help us out, not to make us lazier. Convenience, thats the way I see it as my friends...

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Way of the Sass

Discovering Sass really changed how I style my pages from now on for websites or apps. It’s such a helpful tool because it makes things cleaner, time manageable, and it’s easy to get the hang of it. First off a little history on Sass. Sass is an extension to CSS that helps us write more flexible styles. with Sass you can write variables to store colors sizes anything which makes things far more dynamic and easy to use. You can also nest elements far more easier to makes things look way cleaner than writing so much lines of code! You can also write functions, conditional statements and many more that I have delved into yet...

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